The First Ten Seconds of Your Audition

When the folks who determine if you get hired or not complain about the auditions they receive, what do they say?

“They don’t follow my instructions!”

If you don’t follow the gatekeeper’s guidelines, they won’t listen past the first TWO seconds of your audition, let alone TEN. And if you can’t follow their instructions for an audition, how can they trust you to follow directions on the job?

There are more voice talent than ever in the marketplace. Learn how to stand apart!

Deb & Hugh of VOnow.CO will give you a rundown of how understanding and executing the instructions, direction, and the read of both your slate and that all-important first sentence of the script can improve your chances of getting the job!

You’ll walk away with a handy checklist of what to look for in the audition email, and a handful of script examples, and some of you will read and get redirected!

