Let It Go, Let It Grow – How To Build a Great Team for Your VO Career

  1. How and when to get started building a team, including where to look and what to ask when interviewing candidates.
  2. What you could be hiring virtual assistants to do RIGHT NOW and what you could hire them to do in the future with the right training and planning .
  3. How to take someone from doing the most basic audio editing to recording all your auditions and unsupervised/phone patch sessions via Source-Connect or similar.
  4. An idea of how your career can be enriched by leadership, mentorship, and creating local, domestic, or offshore jobs.
  5. How to empower, appreciate and mentor your staff so they’ll be invested in your business, excel, and stay committed for years.
  6. How to create an operations manual that can guide your team and save you time.
  7. Rosi will reveal the business book that changed her game and inspired her to grow her business
