Fearless Fiction + Nuanced Non-Fiction Audiobook Performance Lab
Fearless Fiction + Nuanced Non-Fiction Audiobook Performance Lab
May 6, 2023 01:00 PM 02.30 PM Summerlin
Let’s spend some quality time expanding your audiobook portfolio, and overcoming the fear of either type of book: braving those fiction audiobooks you’ve been avoiding because you don’t feel adept at characters, dialogue, accents and dialects…and busting the myths of working in non-fiction as being a boring, dry wasteland of tables, bullet points and soulless, story-free information. Find out why fiction can be an amazing, lovely experience without worrying about microscopically precise character work, and how non-fiction can be just as nuanced, creative and intriguing as fiction. You’ll work with David on content from both categories, narrating clips from your choice of either, and you’ll get immediate feedback and adjustments as you read. If you want to expand your options and start auditioning for audiobooks you’ve been avoiding, this is your session. Bonus: Q&A about anything surrounding audiobook narration.